#include using namespace std; void Menu(){ // <- The menu is (mostly) static, no need for it to be in main cout << "Simple temperature converter \n"; cout << "Conversion options \n [1]C to F \n [2]F to C \n [3]Quit" << endl; cout << "Select option [1-3]: "; } double C, F; double convertC(double C, double F){ // <- converts to Celsius C = (F - 32) / 1.8; return(C); } double convertF(double C, double F){ // <- converts to fahrenheit F = (C * 1.8) + 32; return(F); } int main() { int input; Menu(); cin >> input; if (input == 3) { cout << "Quitting..." << endl; } else if (input == 1){ cout << "Enter temperature in Celsius: "; cin >> input; C = input; cout << convertF( C, F) << endl; } else if (input == 2){ cout << "Enter temperature in Fahrenheit: "; cin >> input; F = input; cout << convertC(C, F); } return(0); } // // Created by fuze on 8/13/22. //